Kwaad said:
No, you cant look backwards. Your cockpit dosent have a holo-projector in the back of the ship. You have to slowly turn the ship. Also, a ship at 4k... is kinda small. You cant see them very well... Their about 4pixels wide when running at 1080p. Go to the website linked in my signature, and go to the forums. Read up on that game, look at the forums. See what people think about the use of the mouse. Mouse + X = very bad For Wii games that are complex. That's 6 announced games set to release in 2007. (between now and end of the year) For PS3 games that are complex. There's at least 10 for the PS3. I skipped over alot of PS3 games that could have high complexity. | more heroes, sadness, resident evil: UC, manhunt 2... you forgot lots of complex Wii games. And conveniently didn't provide links to them like you did for the PS3 games, once again showing how fair and balanced you are.