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I agree. Remakes suck.

The only thing that bugs me more then remakes are "upgraded" remakes where they add stuff they were too lazy or didn't have time to to add the first time around.

It's like when DVD's first came out and you'd get a DVD then suddenly find out their was another DVD released two months later with additional lost content and that you were an idiot for getting the first version, then their is a third anniversary edition with additional commentary and once again if you really love that DVD you were right screwed again. It makes me glad I don't actually buy movies.

It's even more annoying in remakes of games however because it's irratating to have to buy a new game or not have "the full game" anymore and often times since they are "bonus add-ons" they arn't properly playtested.

I perfer re-releases.  You want to re-release a game from an earlier system?  Put it on PSN, Xbox live or VC.

Eh call me a purist though.