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OK,. I've played Killzone 2 myself finally, and it looks Ok, BUT, GOW(1+)2, COD (2+3+)4 on the 360 looked better.

=> Killzone has some better animations, Faces on the Charakters, more smoke, partical and Licht effects, more Polygon arichtectures (but everthings a bit "square"), while COD4 runs 60 f/sec, has such things like "high grass" and vegetation, more details on the textrues (and also has smoke effects), and more colors (and more enemies?) => fist impression of COD4 (on the 360, no tearing and flimmering) was hotter than K2

=> GOW2 looks ever better than COD4, even more details, more colors, more vegetation, more enmies (but not 60 f/sec.)...

but it's not all about the grafix, it's about the gameplay =>

1) contolles: the aiming isn't the best, it "accelarates" wierd (not while zooming, just while aiming), the Buttons configuration sucks a bit, you have to have the granades on one of the triggers..

2) action: the "cover"system is cool and fast, but that's about the best it gets;
sure the feeling of "being" there and not just watching is great, but not better than other new games;
the scripts are a bit boring, the situations and action pattern are normal, nothin special (but I havent finished it yet); you often get a "grab that gunturret" or grab that rocketlauncher and shoot the door"=> so cliché and overused and seen a hundred times in other games;
the "normal" weapons are a lot like a from COD2-4 sofar, just like Resistance 1+2;
the story is nothing really to keep you going, I preferd Resistance 1+2 Stories, but some of the cutscenes are cool
3) Multiplayer it's solid I guess , but a lot of people still dont have headsets (that really sucks, would expect that they get one by the time R2 came out....seem, that the PS3 just isnt a real MP Shooter console yet), in europe the MP statisics wouldnt save after quitting the MP game, (personally didn't enjoy the MP to much, like I said few headsets, and the controlles are not soo cool, did keep me wanting to go for long,

somehow, while playing K2, it seemed as if, the whole game was slightly zoomed in, just a bit, the movement and the way everything seems so close (or big), it was at time, as if the game was made, then they decided to zoom it in a bit (and no, I dont mean, when I zoom with the weapon, not even by accident)

=>all COD's, all GOW's, Left 4 Dead, the darkness (yes the dakness), Bioshock, Halflife 2, Halo3 are all better shooter; Killzone 2 deseves about 78-84% all in all, sure a lot of big Fanboys, those who said, Resistance2 ist better than or equal to Halo3, GOW1+2, are going say again, K2 is better and nicer......, even the new Lost Planet 2 Video looks better than K2

(lost Planet 2 Trailer, came out the day K2 came out (has some simelor things in it like K20...came out just like the God of war annoucement came out the day Gears of War 2 came out...., the trailer schow real footage after the designe finishes talking after about 1 Min 40 sec)