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sony in general has to stop relying on brand and assume people are gonna buy their product because it says sony regardless of the price. both the psp and the ps3 need price that make them more competitive. also they need to start listening to their own damn blog and give people waht theyre askin for. psone classics, more exclusives, a vastly improved ad campaign, any real pspsupport that actually manifests itself instead of just promises. also they need to stop delaying projects. stop announcing projects until their closer to completion so they dont feel like they've been around forever. also they need more cooperation among their international divisions. give regions outside the us the playstation video store. give regions outside of europe play tv which will definitely kick some xbox ass. and most importantly give regions outside of japan GAMES. our asian friends are constantly getting better and more plentiful game releases and far sooner than america. plain and simple balance your company. stop limiting your products by region. we all want a better playstation experience and making all of our playstation experiences equal sony will be giving us all a better experience.