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Ha ha! Family Guy! I know that from TV!

Seriously though. I'm all about giving games a fair chance. This is from a guy who bought and loved Red Steel back in his more affluent days. It might not have been a very good game as far as first person shooters go, but it made me happy at the time.

But if people want to call "cash-in" on Chop 'Til You Drop, I think they might be justified to do so. Maybe they're wrong, maybe they're right, but there is a lot of evidence pointing to the fact that the developers' hearts weren't that into this game (i.e.: the use of the RE4 engine when DR and RE4 are very different types of games, the lack of graphical polish when we know that the Wii is capable of better even if it's not 360 quality, the fact that Capcom is a corporation and corporations kinda like money etc).

And true, you can't trust reviewers, or publishers, or even developers for that matter. Hell, you can't even trust other gamers because they might be blinded by fanboy love. Maybe everything I'm saying right now is driven by some kind of hidden desire to see the Dreamcast resurrected.

I'm sure there are people who will buy Chop 'Til You Drop, play it, and love it. That's awesome. And for others like myself (and this is purely my own opinion), there are Wii games of clearly higher quality that will probably be more worthy of my time and money.