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Khuutra said:
Rpruett said:

Objectivity isn't your strong suit is it?  

I don't care to debate with someone who is completely blind to the facts and general consensus.

The Wii is one of the best selling/worst software consoles ever created.  That's not me being anti-Nintendo.  I love Nintendo but their software lineups have been weak for quite some time.  There is a very logical reason for developers/people in general to not be overly excited for anything Nintendo releases.

There is a reason Nintendo gets the 'fad' title.  A lot of it has to do with selling well despite having very few good games and people buying nothing but shovelware.  

Historically speaking,  I don't think Nintendo has a shot in hell of being #1 next generation if they don't seriously upgrade in a lot of ways. The good news, is that since they live and die off of their video game investments the Wii might provide them with enough revenue to compete with Sony/Microsoft atleast for the next generation.

There is no such thing as objectivity when it comes to a qualitative measure of artistic merit, come off it. Even if I were balking at the critical consensus (and I'm not, not necessarily) that does not invalidate my statement - we are not obligated to agree with Metacritic or gamerankings in any fashion.

If you don't want to continue the discussion, I will gladly respect that, but do not think that you can get the last word in if you want to go down that particular road, because I will do my level best to prove my point.

And I'm sorry, if you characterize Wii owners as buying "nothing but shovelware" then I have trouble taking anything you say seriously.


You don't have a point.  You have yet to make a valid point.  There is no quantifiable evidence to prove your point.  Just like I could sit here and say till I'm blue in the face that the Sega Saturn is the most advanced console ever released.  I wouldn't be right ofcourse but I could stubbornly stick to that assertion even in the face of being proven wrong.

You certainly don't have to take what metacritic has at face value.  But again,  you have absolutely no proof of the opinion that you hold.  If you really believe what you said (Which I really don't think you do),  you just have bad taste.  That's all there is to it.  You've stated in a very factual manner that the Wii easily has a better lineup in the first 27 months.  Yet you provide no proof at all.

Wii owners do buy quite a bit of shovelware.  As evidenced by their lack of quality titles yet solid software sales.  Hell, practically half the Wii games that I own are shovelware.