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Heavenly Sword, Viking, and Golden Axe Beast Rider were all exceptional games that brought plenty of new things to their genre or at least as many new things to their genre as all of the fps games that were released last year to 8 and 9 or higher review scores did and that only received such high scores because they were fps games while new ips that aren't in the shooter genre don't seem to get the scores they deserve since they aren't fps games. And as far as the more innovative fps games go, games like Dark Sector and Mirror's Edge, they also tend to not get the critical receptions they deserve. That is why fifteen years after first discovering his writings in Gamefan, I still consider Dave Halverson and co. in Play Magazine to still be the most responsible and least biased journalists in gaming. They shoot straight and gave all of the games I've mentioned here excellent reviews while to many game journalists if a game isn't a shooter, an rts, or an mmo, then it is an inferior game .

Heavens to Murgatoids.