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Hunter_Alien, you should really try not trolling threads on topics you're not familiar with the game or its franchise that's being discussed. Perhaps you should do a little research on the frey of Zelda and see how things work in Japan. All I see is you trying to kid yourself that having two big selling portable games on the PSP somehow makes up for its embarassing software sales and nothing-to-brag-about game library. It was cute of you to try and come in this thread and act as if you'd stolen the show though, lol, but let's face it with Lair down the gutter and Crisis Core comming out what better time for you Sony fans "on the go" to start fluffing your dreams about the PSP actually making a comeback.

Pity these two "best selling evar" games aren't enough to instill faith in the major third party support outside of those already committed to it (Konami & S-E) and Capcom is just going with the flow in regards to Monster Hunter, they've already announced that they've all but abandoned development for the "dissapointing" PSP. It's not about how much money they make on a game they put on the console, its about how much money they've lost on other titles they've tried to put on the handheld. It's a dead fish. And while you're looking at two games that might sell the best this year on the PSP, I'm sorry to inform you that the DS is still beating the pants off it in over all hardware and software sales, and why is that? Ah yes, game selection. The DS doesn't need blockbuster hits to brag about when it has such number, variety and quality of titles. "Oh wait, did he say quality? But I thought the PSP had more quality?" Well I'm sure you Sony fans are fond of equating "less games to more quality per game", not "less games to a failing system".

The PSP is not winning handheld of the year with these titles, its staving off death and at the very least reminding us all that it still exists. Cant' wait for the PSP2, you know, as a cell phone, always wondered why the PSP wasn't more like the N-Gage, lol.

Might I also remind you that the best selling handheld game this year is on the DS, Pokemon. But that doesn't matter now does it, at least not to someone trying to convince themselves the PSP actually has a future.

Sign the Resident_Evil_5_Petition for a Wii release or Dark_Samus is going to come get you.