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kber81 said:
grandmaster192 said:

Go to the God of War thread, and you will see what I'm talking about. Gelmer is a very inteligent person with some really well-writtin post. I don't see why it's useless debating with her.

She speaks total bullshit as usually. What is so intelligent in all this PS3 -> PSP theory? Are you serious? I've read about such intelligent theories before (HD-DVD can be played on standard DVD)... It's just crap.

 I respect the fact you dissagree with my view on things but if all you're going to bring to the table is baseless accusations and defemation against my masculenity then you're not really helping the matter. If things get too bad in those threads, I'm done with the debate, I'd rather swallow my pride then be baited into a ban which I assume Ckmlb is trying to do.

Either way thanks for keeping the petition in the eyes of the people. 

Sign the Resident_Evil_5_Petition for a Wii release or Dark_Samus is going to come get you.