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Impulsivity said:

  First I didn't say PDA phone, I said PDA from which most smart phones are based.  The Newton was the first PDA as its traditionally understood (though some would claim the casio 3000 would be the first PDA, it was in effect a calculator looking device that could store names as well as numbers).  It had handwriting recognition, multiple aplications, onboard memory, a touch screen and many more features standard on todays PDAs.  Yes Nokia made a PDA phone before the iphone, but did not come before Apples Newton PDA (nor did Palm).  The Newton was only mildly successful due mainly to its high price and Jobs killed it to work on the ipod and later iphone instead.

   As to Xerox getting money from apple it DID in fact happen.  "In December 1979, the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center developed the first prototype for a GUI. A young man named Steve Jobs, looking for new ideas to work into future iterations of the Apple computer, traded US $1 million in stock options to Xerox for a detailed tour of their facilities and current projects. One of the things Xerox showed Jobs and other members of the Apple Lisa team was the Alto machine, which sported a GUI and a three-button mouse."

   Apple did not take an alto back with them, did not directly copy the OS or anything involved (other then the basic idea of the GUI) and had a program leading to the macintosh in progress at the time with Apple II money.  They were sued in 1989 by Xerox in a money grab lawsuit, but they HAD provided Xerox compensation for the look at the Alto in the form of the million dollars in options.

   The mouse was first invented in the 60s as a tool only scientests could use, but like in the case of the CASIO the early mice used by those scientists bared little resemblance to the commercially successful mac mouse that had much greater utility for the average consumer.  


   If you're going to go to the widget/gadget system neither apple nor MS created that, it was from Yahoo, swing and a miss on that one.


  There is a difference between a prototype and a comercially viable product too.  Xerox may have had a prototype of a GUI but that doesn't mean it was a functional consumer product like the macintosh was just like there were hobbyist machines before the Apple I and II (but that doesn't mean that the Apple I and II weren't the first successful consumer machines either).  

   There is a difference between being first in theory (IE I'm sure 2000 years ago at least someone hit a round object with a stick a few times but that doesn't mean he invented baseball) and first in terms of having an actualized product.  Apple has been first in having an actualized product many, many times.  Microsoft has never once been first with an actualized product, never.  You can make an arguement that there was an obscure product in the shadows before Apple made the standard version (say OMG there was the Archon Hard Drive MP3 player before the ipod! if you must) but Apple didn't just tweak it, it revolutionized it (ditto with the macintosh, the Apple II, the iphone ect).  If you want tweaking with no real innovation look at Windows, the zune, internet explorer, .net, the Xbox and all the rest of the Microsoft me too products.  Microsoft products aren't even evolutionary much less revolutionary.


Can't wait for spear's rebuttal lol. This is gonna be fun.

I am already spotting a few weak flanks in there.


Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).