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Fishie said:
Procrastinato said:
Fishie said:

 Not even that.

In 2K7 the games industry in the US passed box office sales.

Thing is that included the price of the hardware and services.

Take those away and it didnt even come close.


Now look at it world wide and the entire games industry INCLUDING hardware sales doesnt even come close to worldwide box office revenue(Bollywood thanks you).


Actually, the video game market blew DVD sales (not DVD + Box Office.. yet) out of the water last year.  You're at least 0 for 2 now.

Here's an educational link:



Its one of the most perpetuated lies in existence.

When these outlets talk about box office revenue in the US or worldwide getting beat by videogames they count videogame hardware and compare it to ONLY US OUTPUT.  Basically its HOLLYWOOD AND THATS IT.

Thats why I mentioned Bollywood, count international box office revenue from all movies made worldwide and the entire games industry DOES NOT EVEN COMPARE.


Regardles of those things though I first reacted to a post that said games made more money then movies.

And that one is laughable to the extreme.

With movies you first get theatrical releases, then DVD`s, pay per view, cable and network rights, airline and cruiseline rights, merchandising at chain restaurants(McDonalds pays big bucks for something like Wal E) etcetera. All continuing revenue streams games dont get.



It's apples to these comparisons, and as you stated, mostly covering Hollywood films, whereas the gmaes catgory cover everything related to videogaming...seems to be a unbalanced comparison at best.

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