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Fishie said:

XCPU has 3 cores and CELL has 1 core, let me repeat that ONE.


SPE`s are NOT cores.


If you dont know what you are talking about its better to not say anything at all.


This guy should take his own advice, I think.  Since my beer knows what its talking about, I will let it tell you how it is:

Beer sez:

Cell: 9 cores.  

PS3 Cell: 9 cores, -1 disabled at factory == 8 cores.  Initial low-yield issues made Sony accept chips with only 7 functional SPEs.

Xenon: 3 cores


Unless the definition of "core" includes "must have direct memory access", the SPEs are most assuredly full cores, in every sense.  They use DMAs (16 of them per SPE) to access main memory, and have 256K of local memory which they can access directly -- different, yes.  DQ'ed from being a "core"?  Direct memory access is not written in beer, as a prereq to be a "core", except under the most absurd of definitions... like those dreamed up by a "knowledge-free" X360 fanatic.

Beer right.  U wrong.  Drink from the mug of knowledge and be better for it.