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Garnett said:
nen-suer said:
Lets see best graphics on console
Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 , GOW 3 , Heavy Rain (All unique engines)

so i don't get it if xbox360 is FAIRLY close to ps3 but easier to program for, and yet its biggest achievement is games using the out dated UR3 engine...hmm....what?

MGS4 dosent have good graphics,Killzone 2 is JUST about to come out,Uncharted 2 = 2010 same with the rest.


and CPU = Graphics,therefore your logic fails,and no way Cell is 2x as good as Xenos because it would need 2x the ram.


a graphic's Opinion is just that OPINION, you may not think they are good graphic's, but there are people who also have their OPINION on that.

and as for the 2x as good as the Xenos, don't be so quick to dismiss that why, because IBM have done test's where the Cell has out performed the Xenos, does it make the Xenos anyless capable to out perform the Cell in some other function. No because it depend's on the test and what kind of test your running.

Example :

the Cell has free 6 SPE core's, and 1 PPE each of those SPE cores has 256 KB of Local store

while the Xbox360 has 1MB of cache to split among 3 PPE cores, it takes on a SPE to a single PPE in the xbox360 it's if you split it evenly

each xbox360 PPE core (333 KB of cache)

where as each SPE core (256 KB of local store)

there's strength and weakness with each design

9 threads for the PS3

6 threads for the xbox360


it's what you do with the hardware that matter. beside's both machine's are no way near tapped out hell even when the next system's arrive, there will not be very much in visual seperation between this gen and the next for atleast a couple of year's into the next gen. because of multi-core system design's are just getting used for game's designed for multi-core processor's will still be a learning curve for quite a bit of developer's.



100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.