For those of you who say the Wii has sold more 3rd party games total. Yeah it has. But then agian, the PS3 has sold a large sum in comparison. And the Wii has a MUCH wider array of games.
Rayman, Red Steel, Trauma Center, Some raceing one I think...
Basically the Wii has 3rd party games in almost every class. The PS3 has 3rd party games in... well... Sports... Sports... Massive multi-plats... and that's it.
Almost every game that is on the Wii/PS3 the PS3 is outselling it, or doing as good.
EDIT: The games also cost 10$ more.
Multi-plat games on the PS3 are more expensive than the Wii? Yeah they are, it takes more money to optimize from a 360 to PS3, than PS2 to Wii.
And on this level, What happens to Wii multi-plat support when PS2 vanishes? That's where 90% of Wii games 'engines/game' is coming from. Either that or old X-box/GameCube games.
3rd party wins the war. Sony is doing quite well on 3rd party right now.
PSN ID: Kwaad
I fly this flag in victory!