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nen-suer said:
Lets see best graphics on console
Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 , GOW 3 , Heavy Rain (All unique engines)

so i don't get it if xbox360 is FAIRLY close to ps3 but easier to program for, and yet its biggest achievement is games using the out dated UR3 engine...hmm....what?

I know it's easy to over look, but it's storage. Yes the DVD transfer rate maybe higher than say BR, but the qaulity of texture can be a lot better. There are factors to take into account. 360 can make textures look better than PS3, but the PS3 can have hands down better textures.

It seems strange, but after a certain res. You won't notice the difference as much. The CPU only process vector math and by the IBM designer claims both systems will make little relevance to gap. What is prized in graphics is texture fill and processing not vector math. So when you see the questioned "better" looking games what you are mostly looking at is the games textures.

360 = texture effects
PS3 = better textures

appealing hardcore definition of better graphics = texture qaulity

So yes a game that is designed from the ground up for the PS3 will likely support and use higher textures. While multi plat games will in all likely hood use the same textures. The fact that PS3 fans get miffed that multi games don't look much better if at all on the PS3 just proves this.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.