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nen-suer said:
BrayanA said:
nen-suer said:
Lets see best graphics on console
Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 , GOW 3 , Heavy Rain (All unique engines)

so i don't get it if xbox360 is FAIRLY close to ps3 but easier to program for, and yet its biggest achievement is games using the out dated UR3 engine...hmm....what?

Building unique engine for every single game is not a smart move. It cost extra money and time.



Thats the point, if u want something different and unique u have to pay money and work hard, it may come as a surprise to u but most great game makers care about the games more than the profit.

Kojima didnt want MSG4 because of that (u know how much money they could have make?)

Games like ICO and SOTC were simply art and not for every one but they where very great

Believe me if u dont love what u do u will never make some thing people will remember, thats go for all spect in life.

When GeOW 3 comes we forget 2, but games like Metal gear 1-4, FF7, Legend of Dragoon, Valkyria Chronicle cant be forgotten.

Halo sold alot but no one play it any more because 3 is out but there always people playing an Old FF or Metal Gear game



And you're basing this off of what? There's a reason Halo:CE was released for DL on the 360. It's a popular game - and people do still go back to experience what was an amazing game with a great storyline. You're statement is an assumption based on the fact that you're a fanboy, and of course noone can go back and play games that you're not a fan of.