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Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
Sardauk said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:


The reality of it is that Killzone 2 "trounces" ALL games before it except Crysis...



I'm getting bored by that kind of propaganda... especially with people new on this forum...

*shakes head* That's exactly what I JUST talked about. You can't even break you're cycle.  It's to the point where I can post what those types of people will say before they say it.  THEN, they have to do it anyway, because they can't stop themselves.


I could say "the sun burns at approx 250 degrees", and then guess what kind of responses I'd get. If I spread BS, I'm gonna get called on it.


Your statement about KZ2 "trouncing" all games before it it simply false. The poster clearly said in all respects, and KZ2 has graphical advantages, meanwhile it falls short in NUMEROUS other areas. We could make a list of features that are available in games like CoD or Halo that KZ2 had to cut/leave out in order to achieve the graphics benchmark it wanted. How good would Halo 3 look if they hadn't accounted for 4 player split screen or Coop? Much better. But many games opt to extend the gaming experience instead of being able to put out the prettiest screen shots. KZ2 trounces other games in the graphics department, but don't for a second think that the total package is unmatchable.