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RolStoppable said:

There have been many heated discussions on the definition of a "casual gamer" in the last couple of years. I have done intense studies on the subject during this timeframe and today I present you the results.

8. You prefer local multiplayer over online gaming - Everyone knows that you'll find real competition only by playing online against hardcore gamers. If you rather like to play against friends in the same room (usually because they suck at games just like you), this is a sure sign that you are a casual gamer.

7. You buy non-games - Brain Training, Wii Fit and Nintendogs are the best examples. If you happen to own one of these or similar games, you are most likely a casual gamer.

6. You buy games based on sports/movie/TV licenses - Casual gamers like such games, because they don't require them to dive into the realm of true videogame worlds.

5. You buy easy games or games with easy difficulty settings - Real games like Ninja Gaiden and Contra aren't easy and they can kick your ass even on the lowest setting. If you like games that are easy to beat, you are probably casual.

4. You only own one current generation console - Not because you can't afford another, but because you are content with only a handful of games per year or even for the entire generation.

3. You have a social life - If videogames aren't the top priority in your life, you are a casual gamer.

2. You like minigames - Who doesn't? Well, true gamers. Minigames are for people who can't handle epic stories and deep gameplay.

1. You own a Wii - This one is self explanatory.

There are other indicators that someone is a casual gamer, these are just the top 8. Let's see what you can come up with.


i don't qualify for the one i crossed out altough i like the realm of true videogame worlds


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