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FKNetwork said:
Pristine20 said:
FKNetwork said:
Pristine20 said:
FKNetwork said:
darendt said:
d21lewis said:
I bought Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD for the PS3 AND the 360. I have to say, the 360 experience was much better (online) than the PS3 version. No lag, Always somebody to play with, voice chat. I am not kidding when I say this: My 360 is broken. Today, I stood in line with the PS3 version of Street Fighter IV. After thinking about it for a minute, I put the game back on the shelf, grabbed a brand new XBox 360 and the 360 version of Street Fighter IV.

I realised that I was acting to hastily, and put the 360/Street Fighter IV back on the shelf, but I swear, I will buy another 360 and SF IV before I settle for the PS3's version. Online is THAT important to me!

SF on 360 > SF on PS3


If online was so important to you then you would have already purchased the PS3 version. Name me one 360 game that supports 60 player online with no lag.....scratch that, name me one 360 game that supports 32 player online period. Ps3 pwns the 360 in terms of online play.

Frontlines: Fuel Of War on 360 supports 50 players, I have it and although not a superb game it does indeed support 50 players, too hectic though, give me cod 16-18 players any day lol

And for the people knocking this article, GO AND LOOK AT IT first, look at the videos, the full wording and the 720P screenshot comparasions and even the comments on eurogamers article, then you WILL see the difference between the two versions,

Sony fanboys are soo blind sometimes (no offence)


And those differences mean so much to normal people? M$ fanboys have such good eyesight, they see pixels and maybe infrared and UV light (no offence)


No, your absolutely right, when playing you wouldn't see a difference unless you look very close and know what to look at, the airfield background is very noticeable on the ps3 though (jaggies) and yes, I own the 360 version but have also been playing the PS3 version a lot too, the loading on the ps3 version is the most annoying thing tbh,

You don't have to be a fanboy on either system to see the facts when they are presented to you no matter what system they refer to, Eurogamer use very good methods for testing their games and is why so many places use them as a reliable source, this is the reason places like Eurogamer do these features, to see the technical differences in both versions,

No one has said the PS3 version is rubbish, it runs the same as the 360 version, even Eurogamer said they are both winners, the ps3 dpad is better than 360's (still not great though), this game works best with analogue or with a fighting stick, I have the 360 version and am doing very well using the standard 360 control (shocking lol)



 TBH, I didn't even bother opening the article. I don't care enough. The fact is that every capcom PS360 game this gen has been developed for 360 and ported to ps3. I didn't expect SF4 to be any different so I saw this one 10 miles away that's why the article feels stale even though it's supposed to be "news".

I on the other hand have the ps3 version and I'm having a blast with my friends. I don't really care what the 360 version looks like.

And that is the important thing to remember, enjoying the game!

It's just a shame 360 and ps3 owners have to be sooo divided sometimes when they are both superb hd systems, we should all be working together to take down the wii lol


P.S, The arcade version of SF4 used a custom pc to run it, it was a pc lead platform which was then ported to 360 and ps3, turned out well on both I say!

It sure did turn out well on both systems. However, word goes around that it's easier to port from PC to 360 due to similar architecture, hence, you have fiascos like the orange box on ps3 under the right development house and 360 games usually look better. Don't ask me how infinity ward managed to pull it off in cod4 though. They actually said the ps3 was no more difficult to develop for which is contrary to popular belief.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler