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The game has done what 83% on metacritic but Gamespot is nearly 20% away from the average. Is anyone actually shocked? Gamespot will get a lot of publicity by giving a Halo game a 6.5 score, lots of people will look to them to see why it deserves that score. But as always with Gamespot they don't make any sense with their reviews. Lets look at the negatives they gave. You can't play as the flood, oh can you play as the flood in the Halo games then? ......
Small Map limiting the scale of battles. Hang on a second but can't you have up to 50 units on screen at the sametime?..... Few Multi-player options, ah so now were marking down games that have few multi-player options right?......
The thing with Gamespot is they say one thing that annoys them with games then they forget those things in the next game, the reviews are un-consistent and meaningless. But most people don't take Gamespot seriously anyway. Guess Ensemble didn't give Gamespot the cash they needed for this one :)