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@robotech heaven , i not having a go at you for buying what games you want
on what machine you want but the way you say it ,you say i am looking forward to such and such game that's fair enough but its just about always got the 360 tag at the end why not just say the game that you want with out mentioning the machine and yes if had the ps3 after it the same thing,but what annoys me more is people who pit one game after another for no real reason by saying i hope game a beats game b to a million sales when there's no direct relation between the two games it proves nothing ,especially when you then say you want them both to succeed it should be hey staroceans sales where great i hope it sells better than the last one if its as good that way we see your enthusiasm for the game and it doesn't become a competition ,some of this applies to Dsister44 as he started the train rolling and i would end in apologising for using inflammatory words like" why in the hell" one last thing i know it shouldn't annoy me but it does , i own or have owned most consoles produced since the commmodore 64 own over 2000 games and never thought of any of the machines as anything but a medium for games

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot