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NinjaKido said:


"January 2009 update: After rumors circulating on the internet, Rockstar confirmed that there would be no GTA5 in 2009. While most companies don’t respond to rumors, Rockstar probably thought it would damage sales of their two upcoming GTA4 downloadable episodes (the 1st in February, the 2nd in October), which they are still working on. As a result 2010 is looking more logical for GTA5."


There's no information that i've found on the location of GTA 4 but here are the historical locations, i've tried to get them in order but I might be wrong

Grand Theft Auto 1

Liberty City


Grand Theft Auto 3

Vice City

San Andreas


Grand Theft Auto 4

Liberty City


Based on the historical information , GTA games are usualy based in urban and relativley built up and wealthy locations which could rule out quite a few undeveloped countries s .... i'm guessing it could be Tokyo or London but it's really anyones guess.



I think it'll be multiplatform unless Rockstar really feel they can't work with the DVD anymore , of course money talks more than specifications do.

""One of the problems with the 360, and it affects games like Grand Theft Auto if you think about how much content we put in the actual machine, is the fact that they don't have a significantly larger storage medium than the previous systems. It's a slightly bigger DVD disc," Houser told 1up."


I thik GTA 5 will be more arcadey than GTA 4 was , I think it'll return back to it's roots with parachutes , purchasable homes , less gritty and dark possibly . Alot of the best things about san andreas where either messed up ( phone calls every 5 FRIGGIN MINUTES , I don't wanna date ffs or get killed every time I crash my bike ).


If Rockstar fails to innovate I think their sales will fall short of GTA 4's which is at 12.19m ( but could very well end up at 13.5-14.5 or possibly even more , i'm not sure how well this GTA's legs will be) one thing I think might be certain is that it'll never meet San andreas's 19.65 M , it apears that the GTA franchise will continue to decline without something new and refreshing added into the mix , i'm guessing it'll do 7-9 million lifetime if things continue as they have done.



Any other hunches , ideas , requests you might have for GTA 5 guys ?


I think it'll be released mid-late 2010, definitely early 2011


Vice City. I have a feeling they're going to do strange cycles with LC, VC, and SA

but I'd prefer something new like Chicago or Vegas

I doubt they're gonna use London because GTA london SUCKED BALLS and because of the getaway


I can actually see it a ps3 exclusive because of size but I could also see it multiplat for the money. I see it more of an exclusive though



I think they're going to mix in GTA IV's grittines along with SA's acradey fun but they won't put too much arcadey. I think they might bring back everything that made GTA bad ass (not to say that is isn't) like parachutes, buying property, two guns (hitman level, 2 pistols, 2 shotguns etc.) Airplanes, Traveling to other cities and underwater swimming. And maybe you can do things like get drunk without going with a buddy. I think they might make GTA 5 funnier than 4


If they combine GTA IV's grittiness with SA's arcadiness and they manage to advertise alot like they did with GTA IV or better, they might make more sales



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