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Legend11 said:
Game_boy said:
MontanaHatchet said:
No offense, but the whole, "Brawl will sell more in the long term" is a bunch of crap. No matter how well the Wii sells, Brawl can't even begin to touch Halo's strength.

Halo sells somewhat well in Japan, and Smash Bros has never been amazingly strong in Japan, although it does sell quite well, and manages to have long legs.

Super Mario Galaxy, maybe. Brawl? No chance.
Super Smash Bros. was the Gamecube's best selling game (Wikipedia) and Halo was the Xbox's best selling game. They both sold similar amounts, and Xbox had a slight advantage in hardware sales. Overall, the Wii has an ever increasing sales advantage over Xbox 360, and assuming these games will get sales proportional to their predecessors Brawl should beat Halo 3 in the long run by a small amount. Halo will win in the short term though, due to hype. Smash Bros. must be strong in Japan: the original was meant to be Japan-only but its success allowed Nintendo to release it in NA and PAL too.

Take a look in the charts to see which game has the longer legs (I know Halo 2 has been a staple of the charts since it first came out).  Also you can't just looked at the Wii's installed base and make some kind of calculation compared to the Gamecube's because the audiences for both systems are not the exact same.  There are people buying Wiis that were never gamers before but picked one up because of Wii Sports, I can't see many of those kinds of people having bought Gamecubes.  Anyways what I'm trying to say is that the Wii's audience is much more diverse than the Gamecube's so chances are a game in some hardcore genre will very likely not have the same attachement rate on the Wii that they would have on the Gamecube.

So, with that theory in mind, you think that people that bought a GC aren't going to buy a Wii? Especially when Brawl and Mario Galaxy are coming out? I think you are incorrect sir.

Just kiss the tip.