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The 360's userbase isn't very large nor are its sales exactly stellar. If this wasn't the case, then third-party devs could take more risks with other genres and new titles because there would always be people who'd pick them up. Take the PS2, for example. It sold extremely well and always had a large userbase, so no matter what game was released, there was always a very good chance that it would sell very well.

That isn't the case with the 360. Again, it doesn't have that large user base or the high volume of sales, and to top it off, most 360 owners are core and hardcore gamers. You throw in rising development costs, and third-party developers are going to stick with their tried-and-true titles because that's the only way that they can guarantee a profit. Non-traditional games simply wouldn't appeal to the 360's user base.


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3