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Onyxmeth said:
senortaco said:

Could Madworld be the game that sell PS3 or XB360 owners on being PS3/Wii or XB360/Wii Owners?

With the information from NPD that indeed the Core demographic of gamers is smaller (Ref- ,and the likelyhood that core gamers are more prone to own multiple systems...


...Can Mad World be the start of the Wii's push upstream?

Are you sure you're using the term "pushing upstream" correctly? I don't think that has anything to do with HD console owners buying a Wii for MadWorld. That would be upstream gamers on HD consoles buying another console for more upstream games.

I believe upstreaming is going from Wii Sports to Mario Kart Wii to Super Mario Galaxy to Sonic Unleashed etc. until you make it to MadWorld somehow. It's about starting on easy to pick up games that gradually move you into more complex offerings.


Now see I thought the way it was suppose to work is to get the Core gamer to view your product as a core experience. Like something that they will enjoy too. ...Thought that "pushing upstream" meant attracting core gamers. =/

...Damn I feel a facepalm coming on.


The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?