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seece said:
jerry said:

my thread is unique as it involved people

snake's thread didn't have a live community interaction

also DmeisteRJ being interviewed after he "left" was a unique addition

YOur just jealous

don't say I didn't have any my "own material" as thats stupid......we have over 100's of talk shows on TV....most have their own unique material

You have basically copied his entire idea to gain some attention, you near enough stole the name as well!


and honestly if you think I'm jealous of some silly little talk show thread on a video game website then you need to get a perspective on things... the only reason somebody would be jealous of another member on this site is if one had an awesome gaming set up the other wanted.

Besides its all in vain, DmeisterJ will be back .... if he isn't already


Hey Seece why don't you lighten up a little bit?  Everyone here is just trying to have some fun.  Isn't the entertainment indusry built on copying other ideas?