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Gelmer, I'm not bitter and at all. I have no reason to be. All I'm doing it informing you and others that the industry simply does not work that way. Do petitions for movies ever work? No. Why? They have their own factors that prevent instant whim decisions like that.

I know your dreaming and that's all good and well but your dreaming against two very significant factors, petitions don't work and RE5 is not designed with Wii in mind. Knowing how video game development works and how the hardware works will grant you a better understanding why it's just not going to happen.

We're far better off hoping Capcom will use that time and resources on developing more Wii specific IP's and/or reinventing classic series on it. Street Fighter II, Viewtiful Joe, Ghosts and Goblins, Breath of Fire, Mega Man, etc...

Or better yet finish Dead Phoenix. The canceled GC title that was originally part of the infamous Capcom 5.

The rEVOLution is not being televised