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So Welcome to your new FAVORITE show ---- Unreal Talk

This show will be all about showing you unreal things.....

You LIVe in the real experience things which are UNreal!


To get your taste buds rolling for the evening take this link n play this game

Its called "On The Run" the spirirt of DemeisterJ who went "on the run" from Vg chartz

If you don't want to play the game fine.....take a lookie at this trailer instead

KILL is the name.....making you feel kill helghasts is the aim of the game


Ok now I after a lot of persuasion (I went on holiday in jan) persuaded DmesiterJ to give me an interview bout life after Vg Chartz.....he has agreed....n we have some shocking words from him.

One more the maker of REAL TALK.....this show is meant to be a "wacky" kind of show....more light....less I hope he doesn't mind + the name's different anyway.

DmeisterJ's interview WILL be 10 min....till then enjoy the game/trailer above!



J = Jerry...........DMJ = DmeisterJ


Interview With DmeisterJ

J: Well I was on holiday when you left the didn't get to say bye. but how are you feeling after leaving it

DMJ: Well I feel a bit bad for leaving friends behind.....but I also feel good in a way.

J: So what do you feel was your height at Vg chartz

DMJ: I think it was the "are you a virgin" thread which took of like anything back in summer I think

J: What do you feel  YOU given the vg chartz community

DMJ: Well I have started two big sayings....."LBP is huge"....."Uncharted BABBY!" I can at the least take credit for that.

J: Lately on neo-gaf I saw u are being a bit harsh on SONY....why is this?

DMJ: because SONY is not being competetive....PS3 ismy fav console I want it to get the success it deserves which SONY is preventing it from getting.

J: Now I want to ask you this question......MANY people on Vg Chartz have said that they think your a cry baby n left cus PS3 has bad sales....will you defend this?

DMJ: Yes I will. The reason I left was unbearable sided trolling towards the Ps3 n I felt the mods were incapable of handling the situation so I left. I don't want to get stressed out for no reason. you may say I take things to seriously.....well f*ck it I do, I will have to deal with it right....n so I did.

J: must say good answer there

J: Ok most games your looking forward too

DMJ: UNCHARTED 2 BABBY! Killzone 2 should be good. the Conduit which is looking better everyday imo. Ofcourse FF13.

J: No xbox 360 games

DMJ: You asked "most anitcipated" games not the just "anticipated" ones

J: pwnd by a site whore...damn

DMJ: hahaha

J: so are you still angry for being banned for that.

DMJ: well it did show me how unproffesional Vg Chartz its still unexcusable imo to do that....but mayeb I did overreact a bit.

J: Ok then finally LBP > 2 Million it huge??!

DMJ: It won 8 awards recently somewhere right, yes it is HUGe n remember when I said it would be huge I meant critically moreso than sales wise.

J: Ok no thanks for the interview....if you ever want to come back to vg chartz you are welcomed with open arms. Goodbye!

DMJ: bye n HI to vg chartz once again!


Unreal Talk doesn't end here......

there's gonna be a QUICK question segment now.....people who answer the questions will go into a lucky draw for a chance of an interview with unreal talke


QUICK questions egment to start in 5 Min....GET YOUR BUZZERs....ergh I mean MOUSE LEFT CLICK's & keyboard READY!


QUICK question Segment

Quick question of the Week is:

{drum roll} ~~~~*/*/~~~~~{drum roll}

In the game Rogue Galaxy....what is the name of the prison you get thrown into once you get to the planet of zerard?


the question is on a JRPG as a EPIC JRPG called SO4 launched this' is its trailer


Answer away....the FIRST person to answer will be interviewed by me for the next show!

Rolstoppable is the WINNER.....hopefully he will agree to an interview for the next show of Unreal Talk


Oh we'r not finished yet

NExt Segment is.....NAME THAT CAPTION

its simple I will post a caption & you guys should name it for me.....I will pick a winner after consulting with a few people

The Winner will get to post a caption on the next show.....I want this "winner posts caption on next show" link to get going.


NAME THAT CAPTION segment up in 5 min.

*Warning now....the Caption is Sexy.....even my dog was eyeing it*



This is your image.....start posting reply's

I will decide in a few hours who wins AFTER consulting with people in this thread itself. Oh and peopleshould post reply's as to who'se phrase/caption for the picture is best.....NO SELF VOTING ALLOWED

I will be UPDATING the space beneath now LIVE whenever each new "phrase"/caption hits.

People replying tell me who's Caption/phrase is the best for the we can have some LIVE VOTING---NO SELF VOTING ALLOWED

:::~~::::~LIVE UPDATE SPACE~~~::::::~~:::

non-gravity --- Wait ... Halo Wars is an RTS !?

RolStoppable --- "Wow, this looks really sexy and I want to get my hands on it... but what's the woman doing there?


In the meanwhile OUR NEXT SEGMENT

"Your Voice"

I will be interviewing Rolstoppable for next week's show.......tell me what questions you want to ask him???

its YOU VOICE that I assure you WILL REACH HIM!

Ask him the secret to his witty-ness if u want!


Final Revelation of the Evening

UnReal Talk's NEW SLOGAN!!!



Good Night ladies n gents..........aaaaaaaaand DOGS!