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It seems that this year 3d party companies are starting to get the wii...or more probably, to see that good wii games do sell.

Take for example Call of Duty WAW, it is now selling pretty good on the wii. Yeah it doesn't have the 3M copies like the xbox but is increasing and it will keep this way.

And like bardicverse, companies like SEGA are leading on how to work with it.

This generation is a complete reverse of the past 2 ones. More people play and companies got (and some are) confused but their pride doesn't let them see their mistakes and instead, they insult Nintendo and their costumers. These ones are the ones that will drown in the blue ocean that will carry not only this generation but the next one.

And Ail, that example is just plain stupid and pathetic. Many people bough the wii because they knew what they wanted but companies chickened back and ignored them. If companies doesn't listen to costumers demands, is THEIR fault and not costumers. This is a business, not art. They have to act fast or they will suffer the consequences...and some already did.