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I think this generation will be remembered as the generation without a default console; so far we don't have one console that gets good games across the entire spectrum. The NES had pretty much everything, and the SNES and Genesis each had great libraries, so any gamer could pick up one or the other and be satisfied; though a gamer's particular tastes would have them gravitate to one console or the other. Then Sony came along and the PS1 and PS2 were the default consoles for their generations, pushing Sega, Nintendo and new-comer Microsoft to niche status. In each of those generations, unless you had very specific demands, you'd buy the default console; i.e. if you wanted Halo, you bought an Xbox, not a PS2.

Now we're stuck in this horrible quagmire; the HD consoles are getting the largest effort from the 3rd parties and have good variety, but both systems are so focused on the hardcore that everyone else from the average gamer down is ignored for what is ultimately a niche audience. The Wii is targeting everybody, but so far, third parties just aren't putting their best foot forward, leaving the fans demanding better games.

Everything that's happening now is understandable. Nintendo's previous attempts at chasing the hardcore failed miserably as they gravitated to Sony (and MS to a lesser extent) so they figured it was better to cut the hardcore loose and find a new audience. Sony's success with the PlayStation made it appear the hardcore was where it was at, so they (and MS, and 3rd parties) focused on the hardcore.

I don't think there is anyone to blame for getting into this position, it doesn't change the fact that it still sucks; but the blame will go to who doesn't try to fix it. Sony and Microsoft have to make their consoles and games more accessible to non-hardcore, even if that means telling the hardcore gamers to stuff it once in a while. Nintendo has done well with the non-hardcore, but they're supposed to be aiming for everybody, which includes hardcore gamers. 3rd parties, stop focusing on the hardcore as much as you are; make your HD games more appealing to the broader audience, and put some serious games on the Wii.

Veder Juda is hand crafted from EPIC FAIL, and is a 96% certified Looney; the other 4% is a work in progress.