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fact is guys that this comparison doesn't make much sense! as someone else noted before, the only comparison that make sense are the one taken from the games of the same franchise!
I.E.: resistence 1 should be compared to resistance 2 not killzone 2!

Besides, all the worst looking games were all 3rd party, while the better looking were all 1st or 2nd parties!

Fact is, when you go multiplatform on the same game, PS3 might look as good as 360, but the latter has always an edge on Sony's machine!
So, when a game is developed exclusively on PS3 the developers could better squeeze the machine power, but yet when the game is 3rd party falls short of the competition!
This could only means two things:

- PS3 is really hard to program (and so 3rd parties are generally in disadvantage in terms of tech support);
- PS3 as some tech limitations that cannot be overcome when the game has to be programmed for two different systems (ie: the amount of graphic memory isn't enough! remember that 360 has 512MB of shared memory, which could be split as developers would like while PS3 has 256MB of dedicated graphic memory and 256MB for the CPU).

A really interesting match would be Uncharted vs. Uncharted 2, as the first one really pushed the machine and so it should the sequel!