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To state what I said about Indie and niche games, is that they don't drive the industry, and make a difference in sales, and what platform people buy or do their gaming on. Due to the lack of marketing they get, they end up not being relevant to the discussion of the future of a platform.

What I do know is that a title like MGS4 couldn't exist as an indie project, because the production budget would be too large for an indie developer to be able to do it.

Anyone here care to point out an Indie project (or niche game) that is in the top 10 of all-time in total game sales or is considered a flagship product on a console? Closest thing that MIGHT qualify is Geometry Wars. Be curious to see anyone who would consider its maker to be an Indie developer though.

As far as Sins of a Solar Empire, it wouldn't do nearly what it did, if it didn't have Stardock getting it into retail stores and marketing it to some degree. Want proof of this shio? Do you care to tell the world all about the Dominions series of games and why everyone should buy it? If you can't do this, you will only prove my point. Well, if you can't explain what the heck it is. I am not going to ask you to defend it if you don't care about it.

If you aren't able to do this, how about you talk about King of Dragon Pass?

If not either of these, how about the PC game Stars?