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patjuan32 said:
GranTurismo said:

Why don't we make a book about how Nintendo home consoles had being doing very bad for over 20+ years. Each console selling worse then the one before, Nintendo failed big time.


Its also funny how you say the PS3 failed but it will sell more then the xbox and the GC sold combined.

Gran Turismo, you'd also have to do an analysis to state why Nintendo's home consoles have still made more profit than their competition for the past 20 years despite them selling fewer and fewer units than the competition. That would really be interesting.


on topic, I do not think that the PS3 has failed. Nor do I think it will sale as well as the Xbox 360 or the Wii. There is noting wrong with the PS3 selling less than the other two competitors. Sony will have acheived a couple of things. First developers will have become familar with the Cell Processor, keeping the cell processor arcitecture will make the PS4 cheaper, and Sony can launch the PS4 two years earlier than the other competitors.


I strongly disagree with you, kind sir.  Of course we could merely bring the point that Sony DOMINATED the last generation in marketshare, and to come in with such a small showing this generation - that in itself is a failure.


But more importantly, Sony's business strategy depends on selling a high volume of consoles, since they are selling their consoles at a monetary loss, they need to make up those losses through software sales.  To get a lot of software sales, you need 3rd party support.  To get 3rd party support, you need a lot of hardware out on the market.  Although Sony does have some 1st party developments, they are no where near the likes of something like.... hmmm.. Nintendo's.  Therefore, it is NOT ok for Sony to sell less than its competitors  - The gamecube could get away with a 20-21 million generation since the console was sold for a profit right out of the gate.  Also, Nintendo depends only upon itself, as it has such a strong 1st party showing.  Of course 3rd parties help, but Nintendo doesn't DEPEND on them like Sony's business model does.


I think your cell processor arguement is quite weak.  What if developers have no reason to even get familiar with the cell processor (ie. no marketshare)?  How do we even know the PS4 will use a cell processor?  Even if it does, how do we know development for it will even be significantly similar? How do we even know a PS4 will come out?  How do we know that all other issues can be taken care of to bring out the PS4(assuming it even comes out) to ensure it would arrive 2 years earlier?  Even if it does arrive 2 years earlier, so what?  Look at the 360, it had a year head start, and the Wii is already ahead.  And by the way,  I thought the PS3 was supposed to have a 10 year lifecycle, or something like that...

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