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I would say it's been fine if you lived in Japan because a lot of good DS and PSP JRPGs along with some good ones on the 7th gen consoles and PS2. But in America and Europe a lot of them haven't come over here and probably never will.

Even further, there is just too many mainstream gamers in Europe and America compared to JRPG's meaning unless they have big brand appeal they just don't do well outside of the true core gamers. Those mainstream don't have any problems buying WRPG's because they experience the massive hype behind them and buy them preemptively per se, but doesn't work that way with JRPGs. That would be my reasoning on why JRPGs aren't coming over here as much or doing as well.

Now whether they've been mediocre or not is up in the air. I'd say Valkyria Chronicles was probably pretty good along with Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia. For fans of ToS it was good. And of course DS has been quite fluent in great JRPGs but once again it's just not in this mainstream gaming culture that the West has.