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theRepublic said:
shio said:
Final-Fan said:
shio, I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but at this point you've just gone completely insane with your bolded, double-exclamation-point raving.

It just rattles my mind how can someone judge a game based on the amount of marketing it has. How would you respond when a guy comes to you and says that JRPGs (or any niche/indie game) should be ignored because they're niche/indie or doesn't have enough ads?


If you actually read what he said, you would see that he made no statements as to the quality of those games.  You are now just making up things to argue aginst.

No, he did say that. Here's how it went:

Me: "Consoles do not have "more genres". Where are the Simulation games? Adventure games? How many RPGs? And Strategy games? etc..."

"RPGs?  You want to count every garage game effort and multiplayer free web stuff?"
"And don't get cute by hitting garage games, which then will make me get into Live Community games as a counterpoint."
"Arcade racers.  How many are due out new for 2009 (for PC)?  And I don't mean garage games either."

Me: "PC pretty much gets all the multiplatform arcade racers from consoles. And what the hell is with this garage games thing?! If a game is good, does it matter how it was made?"

Richardhutnik: "Garage games are indie developer stuff.  They are like the XBox Live Community games.  Anyone can produce anything in there.  Yes, indie developers will do games of about all genres."

"Does it matter if it's indie or not? If a game is great then it's great, simple as that.
Would you ignore Sins of a Solar Empire because it was only made by 4 guys?
Would you ignore Audiosurf?
Would you ignore World of Goo?
Would you ignore....
Seriously, that is the most stupid argument I've come across recently."

"On Indie games... Indie games aren't a measure of their development team, but who publishes them. If it isn't published by the likes of Stardock but self-published on some site, it is an Indie game. The problem with Indie developers is that normal people don't know the games exist."

Me: "Again, it doesn't matter if they have a publisher or not - if the game is good, then it's good."

Richardhutnik: "So, you are looking for PC gaming to become an "out of sight, out of mind" subculture thing, that most people aren't going to mess with.   Even if the games are great, they will not get attention."

"You are a piece of work. Why does it matter if a game gets attention or not? If the game is good, then it's there for people that want to play it. Again I call games like Sins of a Solar Empire and Audiosurf - are they non-factor because they don't sell that many copies?

So your reasoning is that if a game doesn't sell like 200k, then it's trash?! Oh dear... Thank god that movie critics don't think like you, or else great movies like 'No Country for Old Men' and 'Slumdog Millionaire' wouldn't be able to win awards because they're not popular enough. I bet we'd instead get the mediocre Spiderman 3 win the oscars."

"The reason why getting attention matters is that this part is called, MARKETING. Without marketing, the games don't nearly generate the same level of sales. This is why attention matters. On a platform like the PC, which has no barriers to entry, you will find that it is bound to get some good, obscure titles for it, just by number of developers who want to prove themselves. If, for example, Sins of A Solar Empire were not published by Stardock, it wouldn't of done nearly as well as it did. It would of been lost in the shuffle. This is why MARKETING and advertising and publishers matter."

"UGGGHHH.... 99% of PC games are NOT advertised! So by your reasoning we should completely ignore 99% of PC games?!

Audiosurf did NOT have ads, so we should say it didn't exist? King's Bounty: The Legend (great SRPG) did NOT have ads, so we should believe it didn't exist?! Galactic Civilizations 2 did NOT have ads, so we should ignore it?! Etc...

UGGHH, it like I'm talking to a wall. Why does it matter if a game has advertisement or mass appeal? Not all games need ads to be successful.

What matters to the Industry is for the games to be successful, and if a game can have that with only 100k sold, then all the better. Everything you said is completely wrong."


He clearly dismisses indie games by using the fact that they're not very advertised as a reason.