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I used to be an extremely hardcore PC supporter. My first post on this site (You can look it up if you want) was in support of the uber awesomeness of the PC gaming empire. See, my PS3 I had at the time was merely a sideshow to the main event which was my PC.

What happened since? Well I started buying my games *gasp* and once that happened I found better value for money from consoles than the PC. When I wasn't paying a cent it was no issue for me to deal with the problems that came with PC gaming because I wasn't paying for them. I could easily look up cracks and patches and cracked patches etc to get my games up and running and that was the cost for what were essentially free games. As a paying consumer I didn't feel all too happy putting up with the issues on the PC and in the end I really only play one game on the PC now regularly which is Civ IV and I post on vgchartz at the same time. (Alt-Tab)

What I do now is completely different, I still don't buy all that many games however I rent them a LOT and I get a discount from renting games so much. But I never have issues. You know I had to get over my 'PC-gamer angst' of not being able to save every 10-15 mins because I was scared of crashes. I have thousands of hours now on the system and only 2 crashes to speak of. Just that relief is worth going console rather than PC. Console gaming, heck even owning 3 consoles for me is cheaper than owning a gaming PC. I used to be a pathalogical upgrader because I couldn't stand not being able to run games at a high frame-rate.

Has the PC gaming community lost anything? No, because I hardly ever bought a game. But the console gaming community has gained a paying consumer, and yet the PC gaming never managed to transition me to actually paying for the games in the first place. From now on, im actually more comfortable on the console than a PC. 20+ years of almost strictly PC FPS+Strategy+RPG gaming and now I feel more comfortable with a controller than the mouse+keyboard for game genres such as FPS and RPG. It took me 20 years of use to become extremely good with the mouse and it took less than a year to unlearn all of that.
