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Sweet jesus, IQs of some of the people posting here are lower than my post count. Never have I seen so much venom being sprayed at one company because of pure fanboyism. More to the point, the bullsh*t in here is enough to sink my Toyota in...

(i) KZ2 has amazing review scores in so many different countries - all across Europe, Australia, the US, Scandinavia. High review scores for a game gain mind-share. Anyone interested in this game and considering a console purchase will have increased mind share for the PS3, and hence will tip some into a console purchase. This is made more predominant by the GOW3 media release. The one-two punch of this marketing technique will show system buyers that these kickass games are exclusive to the PS3 and tip some more over. Some, waiting for a price cut, will actually find a way to dive in.

(ii) Sony statement NEVER said it will sell large quantities of systems. From (i) it is obvious that it will sell some, so the point Sony makes is exactly correct. Another case of comments being falsely attributed to Sony PR.

(iii) Anyone saying that KZ2 is a everyday "same" FPS has not played the full game and has most definitely not played the multiplayer - the best multiplayer shooter experience I've had since the original Halo. And yes, I've played the press kits.

(iv) Seriously, whinging about the control scheme????? or the cover system??? or the "input lag" ??? Just GTFO....You can always tell the COD freaks or ppl who haven't played the game, by the whinging about how hard it is to make headshot or the fact you cant spray and pray.

(v) As for KZ2 not bringing anything new to the game - graphically it is astounding, the physics effects in game (ragdoll, particle+smoke effects, environmental damage, lighting etc) have rarely been seen together before. The multiplayer Warzone, with changing objectives in a single match has never been done this effectively before. The single player has one flaw, and that is a not strongly enough developed story, which a male 13-35 shooter fan couldn't give a rats ass about.


Seriously, love the games for the innovation they bring no matter the console. Hate the console if you feel you must and it gets you through the day - just don't hate the games.