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Final-Fan said:
"1. On consoles, classic adventure games (Infocom, Sierra, LucasArts, Myst) are underrepresented. They don't sell well, so they aren't there. Consoles could do them easy, but they don't sell."

I have to disagree here, unless the PC is getting way more adventure games nowadays than I think it is then the DS actually is very competitive, what with games like Hotel Dusk and all the Ace Attorney games (at least I understand that they are adventure games, I haven't played any).

Next time you are in Best Buy, swing by the PC Games section.  In the $20 section, you will find a LOT of them.  What the DS does prove is that consoles do get adventure games for them.  It is just the PC has more.

As it is now, the PC has an abundance of titles in areas consoles generally have less, and consoles have an abundance of games that PCs generally are lacking in.