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A few comments here:
1. On consoles, classic adventure games (Infocom, Sierra, LucasArts, Myst) are underrepresented. They don't sell well, so they aren't there. Consoles could do them easy, but they don't sell.
2. Strategy games are a top genre on PCs, and one of the few that hasn't translated over to the console much (well, the DS gets some). HOWEVER, as part of the entire electronic entertainment business, it isn't a top niche.
3. On Indie games... Indie games aren't a measure of their development team, but who publishes them. If it isn't published by the likes of Stardock but self-published on some site, it is an Indie game. The problem with Indie developers is that normal people don't know the games exist.
4. $10.7 Billion for PC, vs do you know what for consoles in 2008?

Try over $21 billion.
5. Ok folks, who wants to huddle around their PCs to play Street Fighter 4 with their friends?

Dude, your act is getting VERY old. You come on a site dedicated to videogames and talk all sorts of smack, that is weak sauce. I am glad you like PC gaming, and you are able to drop 2 grand on a rig and keep updating it every 6-12 months, and keep defragging your harddrive, updating your BIOS, avoiding viruses, and getting games to load without patches. It is nice to know you don't view yourself is a dirty peon of a console gamer, but a shiny party of the Ubergod class of PC gamers. You deserve a large round of golf claps for your superiority to everyone here.

As for other people, I would rather just play games without the headaches, and outside of strategy titles, find console gaming does enough for me. And yes, I do give you the strategy title game. I actually have the title Sins of Solar Empire demo zipped on my desktop, but haven't gotten around to installing it to see how well it would work. I could also fire up Galactic Civilizations II, or even Political Machine 2008 (picked it up, but never got to it). Yes, I am HUGE fan of Stardock. I also wish I could get Beyond the Sword to work, so I could try it with Civ 4. Oh, I could always fire up Zillions and play some abstract strategy games to.

You see, something happened along the way. I got tired of needing to keep doing updates, and watching the PC game selection get smaller and smaller at EB/Gamestop. I also got tired of having the whole hope it works dice rolling with games on my PC, and not being able to return games that didn't work on my PC for whatever reason. I got tired of the whole need to update, just so I can run Mad Onion better. And so on. The reality is, I have other things to do besides being part of this nerdy Uberclass you claim to be part of. It is one who thinks every single genre on the planet is available for it, and is ALWAYS superior (I guess GTA 4 is a brilliant gem on your PC, isn't it)?

But hey, you have Crysis. That is all that really matters anyhow.