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Here's what i got from looking at the concept art

- A terrorist act (plane crashing in a neighbourhood) has hit the US
- An innocent man is judged and sentence to jail
- The police van carrying the man is ambushed
- The man escapes but then gets caught again
- Man goes to jail

I doubt its a sandbox game, looks more like a Splinter Cell game without the stealth

- Meteor storm hits earth, everything goes to hell
- Game tries to be realistic as possible
- First part of the game is just getting out of the city and surviving
- Years span in game, characters get older (just like in Fable 2)
- Surviving and scavenging a big part of the game
- Enemies include wildlife in the early years and then include bandits in later years

It looks like it mostly takes place in NY, but the Desert Picture is an oddity, it could be sandbox or a map system similar to Fable 2

Out of the two, I'm more interested in Survivor

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)