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General Discussion - Economy - View Post

Well during the Great Depression Unemployment has been estimated to be as high as 25%. I see no reason why this may not happen again. In fact, given the fact now we have a lot larger workforce pool, it may even be worse.

A stimulus isn't going to do jack Sh*t to solve this problem.

We need real action, that actually solves the peoples problem.

What would I do?

Beyond the fact that I think if it gets worse a possible erradication of the debt record (considering the banks just got like what the 4th major bailout in the past 3 decades?) or at least all mortgage debts forgiven. i.e. if you own a title, it's yours now Paid in Full. 700 Billion of our dollors done bought all our houses, F the greedy bastards.
^ but that's just me

1. Reduction in taxes. Whenever they say "tax cut" and "tax break", it's essentially a temporary clause where the tax funding of particular things wont go up in the immediate year. We need a "tax reduction" or "tax elimination". In the state that we are in, the idea of the government taking almost 30% of my paycheck is obscene! It will only get worse people, If this 2009 stimulus goes through, I will NOT be suprised to find out I will have to pay 40% of my paycheck in taxes before Obama leaves office. I have been seriously thinking about drafting a petition whereas taxes levied on the people cannot exceed 10% of their total pay. This would include FICA and State + Property tax.
That should be step 1.

Step 2. 11 + million Illegal Immigrants = gone
Give us your poor hudled masses? Not if you aren't coming legally.
You want to secure jobs for people, well Obama's gotta change his attitude of "allowing them to gain citizenship" AND for the love of god finally start enforcing the laws already in place (that make them illegal), keep them out of the country, and most importantly run a train on any CEOs ass who is employing them in masse. F*** man. Come On!

Step 3. REAL equality in the workplace. GET RID of any College requirement for any job where it is NOT necissary. You don't need a damn 4 year degree to inspect garbage at a flippin incenerary.
I'd like to see Affirmitive action go out the window too, we are all hurting here.

thats a start anyway. I'll add more later if I feel like it.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself