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@richardhutnik: your last post is a mess.

1- You're still focusing on the traditional business revenue... probably 95% games revenue in Chine is from subscriptions/microtransactions, which suports PC greatly. And in a couple of years the chinese gaming market will be bigger than the japanese.

2- The Sims is still a simulation game.

3- Again, subscriptions or not, they're always RPG games and it shows PC is the RPG platform of choice. Also, like I said before, there are several PC RPGs that have not given any figures about their sales, and they could've very well surpassed 1 million in sales... I'm talking about games like Sacred 2, Mass Effect, Lord of the Rings Online, Mount & Blade, EQ2: Rise of Kunark, etc...

4- Strategy is NOT niche. It is one of the 3 big genres on PC, and that means alot. Would a niche genre be able to sell several million sellers every year on a single platform? This year it's even more noticeable, with atleast 7 Strategy PC games expected to reach 1 million.
Civ 4: Colonization has nothing to do with Civ Revolution, it wasn't ported to consoles. I don't know if Civ Rev outsold Kane's Wrath or not, because we don't have figures of C&C3's expansion.

5- We get the superior version of SF4. That isn't nothing.

6- Sports games were never that popular on PC as on Consoles. That is all needed to say.

7- Most arcade racer titles come to PC, check it yourself. We also get a few PC gems like trackmania and Trials 2.

8- Does it matter if it's indie or not? If a game is great then it's great, simple as that.
Would you ignore Sins of a Solar Empire because it was only made by 4 guys?
Would you ignore Audiosurf?
Would you ignore World of Goo?
Would you ignore....
Seriously, that is the most stupid argument I've come across recently.

PC doesn't have the good fortune of having many people track their revenue like consoles do, but we know this:

$10.7 Billions revenue in PC games in 2007 - only 30% from Retail
Over 260 millions online PC gamers by end of 2007, with an estimated 320 millions by 2012.
Steam grew 150% in 2007.
China's Online Gaming Revenue grew 76.6% in 2008.

There must be a reason why all the small developers are abandoning the console market, and that is because the console market is becoming less and less a fertile land for the small ones.