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theRepublic said:

Regarding part of the article:

Brain migration

When the Xbox brought PC features into the living room, some of the best PC game developers in the world eventually came along for the console-gaming ride. Their ranks read like a who's who in modern gaming of both developers and designers: Infinity Ward (Call of Duty), Epic (Gears of War), Bethesda (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Fallout 3), Peter Molyneux (Fable), Bungie (Halo), Ken Levine (BioShock), and on and on. "If you look at who are the big-ticket console developers right now," says BioShock creator Levine of 2K Boston, "they're all people who cut their teeth in the PC space." These folks didn't come over to the console to make Mario knockoffs. They came to make the kinds of games they made-and still make-on the PC.

Is that why consoles are getting games that need installs, patches, and DLC that should have been included in the first place?  It seems like these guys are bringing the bad things along with the good.

PC gaming is now a proving ground for game developers.  Also, game development has gotten far more complext, requiring greater upfront costs, which results in bugs and so on happening.  It is becoming more and more like creating a movie, particularly on the top level.  And, in the case of movies, you even get bugs and bloopers that slip through.