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I'll just quote a couple of paragraphs from the article - visit the link for the entire thing:

"Did you feel any pressure from Nintendo to make complete used of the motion control?

KY: Quite the opposite.  They specifically said don’t try to cram everything in the motion controls.  Use it when you need to and don’t overdo it – they were actually very cautious with us.



 "How many people did you have working on Charged at the height of its development?

KY: 35?  Uh, including contract and testers it was closer to 45 at it’s peak.


That doesn’t seem like very many people.

KY: No, it’s not. We definitely wanted to keep the team small.  I think Nintendo’s intent, their idea for development of games is to keep the development teams small.  Strikers was about 45 people, too.  I don’t think we brought in much more over the first version into the second one."


"I'm told I shouldn't ask some of these questions.  I want to ask about a Mario hockey game…

[muffled chuckling]"


Good read :)

Gesta Non Verba

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