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I love console and pc gaming i couldnt care less if a game is on pc or console. i prefer gaming on my ps3 yes but pc gaming is still a viable option. rts games belong on pc for now because of the memory constraints of the console.

I think many people into pc gaming hate consoles because they feel the importance of pc gaming slipping away. I mean most genre's were owned on pc but now they have been shifted over to consoles. Even fps are better on consoles nower days.

Well the only thing left for pc gamers now is rts and mmo. MMO is starting to slip towards the consoles aswell now and rts is also close to becoming relevant on consoles.

It is very scary to be a pc gamer. defo if you dont own a console. i will be honest years ago i could have just games on pc exclusive games and been content now i need a console to play most good games. having a good pc for me is just a bonus but not a must have now the ps3 and 360 are so powerful

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st