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HW will easily outsell KZ2, this is given.

Sony fanboys pretending this could be other way must be dellusional. Halo is much much stronger franchise, and Killzone is bleak & weak in comparison (as almost all of Sony's). The more natural benchmark for Killzone2 is CoD franchise, which it imitates so much. And the real failure of Killzone is that Sony and Guerilla spent many millions just to reinvent CoD experience with arguably better graphics. It will be interesting to see if they fail (deservedly, I'd say) to sell as many copies as CoD:WaW. I don't like Halo Wars approach to simplify RTS genre in the same way I hate their approach to FPS yet I can't help but endorse the fact they are really trying to invent something new which Sony doesn't do at all (with KZ).