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I started playing PCs in 1998.. my first PC was a PII 350mhz, 96mb ram, ATi card with a Voodoo 2 graphics card.  MY first game I played was microsofts Combat simulator, I was blown away by the graphics, speed, just everything PC now im a PC gamer.  At the time I was playing PS1, N64.

But I agree PC was the format to have in the 90s, early 00s.  But over the years the consoles have seemed to take over (I say seemed because I still belive more people use PCs for gaming).  I belive alot of PC gamers pirate a lot of games, so it seems that PC gaming is dieing.

People take retail sales as PC gaming is dead but dismiss digtal sales.  I still belive piracy is to blame for alot of PC woes.

PC gaming rules.....