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Shadowblind said:
Griffin said:
I play the game using the cover, i have no problems with that. I have no problems getting headshots or getting on target.

The problem i have are the controls are too loose with the right stick. When i move the stick i feel like i have very little control over the gun. Which is not what they were trying to do with the game, they wanted to give you a weighty feel and make you play slow and control like a soldier. I don't get this at all.

 Almost the exact opposite of my problem. I'm a headshot-psychotic and I have far too much trouble aiming with its system to get any clear headshots. And cover never worked for me, I'm surprised it works for you. Although I do feel like me and my gun don't agree with each other on where to aim sometimes, I don't exactly understand what you mean.

Its kinda hard to descibe it without showing it.  Each game has the right stick move a certain amount to control how the gun aims on screen, certain games use more of the stick then others to accomplish this goal.  In KZ2 i found the sticks movement in relation to the gun too loose, so i could not make small aiming adjustments on the fly without the aiming messing up.  If i could move the stick more and have the aiming move less on screen it would be perfect, from what i remember this is the way it was done on CoD4 to perfection, and pretty decent in most shooters.