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Soriku said:
naznatips said:
I have to say most of these ideas are simply horrible. If these things are what Nintendo has to do to change Zelda then I hope they never do. However, they have promised that Twilight Princess was the last time Zelda would appear in this form, so I'm sure we are going to see some pretty big changes to the gameplay formula and game style.

I'd say it's a good thing none of you are in charge of concept development for Nintendo though.


Well then, what about your ideas?

Well I myself am not all that imaginitive. I would never have thought of a story like Wind Waker for example, but I thought it was a brilliant change of setting. If they had just changed the gameplay formula with it, it would have been perfect. Personally, I am content trusting Nintendo with the game and waiting to see what they come up with.

If I had a choice? I simply ask for a Zelda game where you play as someone other than Link, and a Zelda game that uses a different setting with some creative motion controls and different abilities. That's pretty much all I want. However, there isn't a chance in hell I would buy a Zelda game set in WWII, the modern world, or the future. God forbid Zelda go down the path of Final Fantasy. Refreshing a series is great, but don't destroy everything that was done right in the first place. Zelda has to remain an adventure and puzzle solving game. If you make it World War 2 or modern, that will destroy the adventure and puzzle solving aspects, as well as the wonder of exploring new unseen environments. If you make it futuristic, you might as well give Link a power beam and a morph ball and call it Metroid, because that's what a futuristic puzzle/adventure game is...

Like I said, I'm content to wait and see.