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slimeattack said:
Pro-choice. Government should get out of people's lives (that's why I also support lower taxes and smaller bureaucracy).


Hm.  and we should allow for drug cartels to kill people and the return of the mofia to put certain streets back in fear.  That is what would start in certain areas allowing their influence to grow through corruption.  This would most likely lead to more militant groups, terrorism, etc.  And while this would allow for more frequent changes in local government and eventually changing overall government, the end result would be sections of the country hating other sections of the country and random terrorism and violence with the people in the respective sections afraid to come out of their houses.  Does that sound familiar?  Kind of like an extreme case of how many view the Middle East perhaps (or not extreme)?  I mean there is no guarantee that that is exactly how it would come about, but we need people to oversee the basic principles and concepts in a society.  If we are to remain one unit, then we need some sort of regulation on the whole.  Otherwise we will eventually split apart and diverge due to the imbalance of our society. 

Look at companies right now.  Already we see Lawyers refusing to help the poor and preferring to take the big money cases, Medical facilities taking every penny they can from the less fortunate, Big companies treating customers like dollar signs, etc.  Eventually the government is going to have to step in or we are going to be another culture where there is royalty and peasants with legal business inequality leading to race sepremacy, and possibly the return of concepts such as slavery in certain areas.  If the government in its current design does not  help create overall guidelines and standards then somebody else will and it won't be the average joe.  It will be the people of power, those big Companies or manipulating individuals who might have malicious means.  See, when a country is left to its own, the most ambitious and manipulative are those with alternative goals personal to them, others who may be smart or simply kind but not as driven and want to just live their lives are easily stepped on or used by these individuals, and when these people are left to make these decisions without any checks, they get greedy and start showing their true nature, such as making their successor come from their bloodline, or refusing to step down from power, or taking all the money they can from those beneath them.  Not everyone is like that, but that is why we have had Great Rulers and Horrible Rulers, great leaders and horrible leaders.  Once these people start to take control, it is hard for anybody at the bottom to rise up without rebellion, and then we are back to similar events to what started our country (USA) to begin with as well as many other countries with their current governments.  Sure there will be good situations and bad situations but it is far more conflicted, dangerous, and chaotic and this isn't even elaborating on areas that would be run by groups of people who are united by hate, which is easily manipulated as well if the manipulator is not the hated.  We still see the ramifications of hate even today in a somewhat controlled environment.

Certainly we don't want the government doing what they want; and our current structure isn't without its flaws; but we still need some structure built on the same principles as our current structure is to help prevent situations like the above and oversee controversial topics like the one in this thread that you simply brush off based on your view of a more general principle that you probably don't even fully understand.